Learn Audio Mastering The Easy Way!
Pro Audio Engineer John Rogers explains step-by-step how to master audio to radio quality standards.
(This course took over 6 months to create)
You can watch it on your phone, tablet, desktop, all devices!
Learn at your own pace. Proven successful quick techniques.

(10 songs - Over 2.5 hours)
This section shows step by step live mastering sessions of 10 songs.
Includes - 3 Rap/Hip Hop, 1 Hard Rock, 1 80s Rock, 1 Pop Alternative, 1 Santana-ish, 1 Pop Dance, 1 EDM, and 1 Chill EDM.
You'll see the methods I use in audio mastering are very consistent (proven successful) steps that you can quickly learn and use to greatly improve your Audio Masters INSTANTLY TODAY!
I also include "pop up" bonus tips and advice, while going through my step progressions.
1. Audio Master Laws, Tips, and Advice (46:36)
These are several videos that fill in the missing pieces. Tips, advice and absolute LAWS that you cannot break. Break a few of these laws, and I will guarantee your CD project will be a disaster. 46 minutes of strong advice to improve your masters right now!
2. The Processors Used In Audio Mastering (14:11)
You will learn the types of processors I used to professionally master over 30,000 songs the past 23 years.
3. The 4 Bands In Audio Mastering (9:32)
In audio mastering, we work in Bands. Here's a quick overview.
4. Analyzing A .Wav File Before Mastering (11:58)
This is the first step in audio mastering (after importing the song).
5. How To Correctly Set Your Song Volumes (8:10)
How loud are your songs supposed to be? Are your songs industry standard volume? All these questions and more are answered in this quick 8 min video. And it's not a LUFS meter!
6. Compression Made Easy (19:49)
I've received over 1,000 client mastering demos, and masters from other studios (some charging $100 a song). 75% of what I heard, they have NO CLUE how to compress a song. Play the song loud and it breaks up into pieces! Unlike songs you hear on the radio. In this video I explain what compression is, your goals, how to use a mastering compressor, everything you need to know about compression in audio mastering is in this 20 min video!
7. Understanding Equalization And Spectral Enhancement (27:05)
What's the difference between EQ and spectral enhancement? Why do you use them, when do you use them, what are your goals? Almost a half hour of priceless information you want find anywhere else.
Since the release of this video series in 2020, over 5,000 satisfied members have quickly learned how to professionally master their audio. When the course was first released, many paid $250! Then $150. Would you pay $99 for this course today? KEEP READING FOR MY SPECIAL OFFER!
Visit the Main Website and OFFER Page (then Scroll to the Bottom)